Alef Pathways Science

A path to science success for every student

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Alef Pathways Science empowers learners with the knowledge and skills to better understand the world around them, confidently engage with STEM topics, excel in mathematics, and independently explore scientific concepts. Designed for students in grades 3-8, Alef Pathways Science leverages innovative instructional strategies to develop critical skills and foster deeper engagement with concepts aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The program enhances scientific literacy, critical thinking, and inquiry skills while building confidence for students learning English as an Additional Language (EAL).

Product features

Inquiry-Based Learning

Targeted skill development engages students with the NGSS standards through inquiry-based learning and scientific language support. The NGSS outlines essential scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas that K-12 students need to master to succeed.

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Product benefits

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  • Teacher support offers strategies to scaffold Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), boosting scientific language and content knowledge

  • Inquiry-based videos help students tackle challenges and recognise scientific concepts in phenomena

  • Effective modelling of scientific concepts enhances teacher instruction and improves comprehension for bilingual students

  • Interactive methods build confidence and meaning through engagement, scaffolding, reflection and iterative learning experiences

  • Literacy integration aids in decoding complex scientific vocabulary, enhancing academic language skills

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