Alef Pathways Math

A path to math success for every student

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Pathways Math is a comprehensive program designed to strengthen mathematical understanding for students across all levels. Personalised learning paths equip learners to build a solid foundation in mathematics, ensuring they grasp key concepts before progressing further. Tailored to meet the needs of both early learners and those refining their skills, Pathways Math fosters confidence and proficiency in mathematics. This individualised approach not only boosts academic performance but also nurtures a lasting appreciation for the subject, preparing students for success in diverse fields.

Designed for grades 3-10, Pathways Math aligns with the US Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, making it an ideal supplemental program.

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Product features

Adaptive Testing

Teachers can administer the Alef Adaptive Math Ability Test (AMAT) several times a year to help students identify their current abilities and readiness to learn new concepts. Students who take the Alef AMAT receive a Quantile® measure—an internationally recognised score aligned with the NWEA mathematics RIT scale developed by MetaMetrics®.

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Product benefits

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  • Aligns skills and concepts with students' learning levels, leading to greater success

  • Provides educators with essential data, including personalised learning paths, goals, and content to support student growth

  • Tailors learning paths using Alef AMAT results or a student's RIT score

  • Scales and differentiates instruction to meet diverse student needs, with flexible adjustments based on ongoing data

  • Offers evidence-based models and visuals to enhance learning retention and transfer

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